Book Launch: A New Order

A New OrderI made a book!

You can get a real actual physical object, with pages and a cover and everything, from It’s £10 plus whatever post and packing is to where you live. (I think it will also get on to the evil online bookstore of your choice, eventually)

You can also get a pdf version for your various ebook reading devices and apps. That one is free, and you’re just downloading it from me. Whilst it lacks the tangibility of the other version, all of the links do work and the other stuff is as near identical as you may expect.

There is also an ebook (ePub) version, which is available on . Or, access it via your favourite multinational bookselling conglomerate: Amazon Kindle, iTunes Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo (probably other ones too…). This ebook version does not have any hyperlinks, because EPUBs suck. It’s free (as in £0.00), and free ( as in CC-BY-SA).

The content is the least worst of the various posts I’ve done here over the last 4 years (so, of course you could just read most of the content here). Possibly more exciting is an exclusive introduction/reader guide from the man who started all this madness, Brian Lamb.

The superb cover image, and indeed the header image of this blog, have been created by the super-talented Rob Englebright.

A lot of this creation and publication happened at the UMW Hackathon, so big thanks to Jim, Martha, Tim, Ryan, Andy and the team for hosting us at DTLT (big fan). The “publishing books” track was primarily Audrey Watters and myself, so look out for her book (of her talks from this year, which have all been amazing)


30 thoughts on “Book Launch: A New Order”

    1. I think any self-respecting educator would provide responsive learner-focused delivery by owning and using all three versions. Incidentally, all three versions are slightly different. And I’m not going to tell you in what way 🙂

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